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Welcome to My Online Portfolio

As a freelance marketing consultant, I love nothing more than being out and about promoting a client, abuzz with the task at hand. What’s my specialty? My answer to that is: “I specialize in you.” In other words, it’s because I have experience handling everything from event production and visual design, to copywriting and viral marketing, that my focus can stay trained on what matters most: pursuing whatever marketing channel works best for you.

In me you’ll have a passionate advocate happy and willing to take on any project task, be it mundane or strategic. Want some marketing copy crafted that’ll work its magic at a glance? My pleasure. New to Web Marketing and don’t know your Google juice from your apple juice? Don’t worry about it—I’ll show you how it works. Have an event sponsor that needs to be sweet-talked at the 11th hour? I’m already dialing . . .


Yes, with my iPhone in one hand and my laptop in the other, I can do all this for you....and more!


Tara (aka "Tess") Anderson | 415-717-5339



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Site Design by Tara Anderson